Mississippi Santa delivers Christmas joy to families across the Gulf Coast
The year 2007 was a long and busy, rocky road for Mississippi Gulf Coast resident Jennifer Miller. It led to the writing of a gift tag from “Mississippi Santa” more than a decade later. Jennifer had thrown her extra energies into the March of Dimes after the devastating loss of her unborn son, Dakota, before his birth at 32 weeks. She awoke from a coma after the death of her baby boy, with an unknown woman standing by her bed. The woman’s identity remains unknown, but she was from the March of Dimes and had comforted Jennifer in recovery. Children centered outreach has filled Jennifer’s life ever since, and in 2019, she started Mississippi Santa which has become her main focus.
For 13 years, Jennifer had wanted to write “To: Dakota From: Santa” on a gift tag. Since Dakota’s death made it impossible to gift him, Jennifer decided to direct her efforts to other deserving children. In 2019, Jennifer started Mississippi Santa as a 501(c)(3) and fulfilled her desire. Wanting to grow the outreach of Santa’s helpers led Jennifer to a Chamber of Commerce event and a providential introduction to Bridget Turan, Director of the Gulf Coast HUB for Volunteers and Nonprofits. Ms. Turan said, “I was so excited to meet Jennifer with this new nonprofit, Mississippi Santa, so that I could start spreading the word on what she does to get the community involved in donating to children in need.” Jennifer wants to assure gift givers that the focus is the children and that all funds go directly to them. The group of all volunteers will assist with the purchase, wrapping and delivery of the gifts the week before Christmas.

Why, you might ask, start another Christmas toy giveaway? Years before, Jennifer had anticipated and planned for the birth of her son. That premature birth robbed him from his mother’s arms. But Jennifer’s love for children was not extinguished. During her years as a volunteer, she has spread caring and love to children and their parents. In the vetting process to make the Mississippi Santa’s list, the names of the children are listed. Picture Santa making his list. In that very first list, the very first name was Dakota. Jennifer knew that her little boy, lost at 32 weeks, was giving his nod from heaven.
“Dakota is my Angel. This was confirmation from my son that I had found my calling.”
Jennifer Miller, president and founder, Mississippi Santa
What makes Mississippi Santa different is the rigorous vetting process and the placing of the child’s name and age and the wish list on a detailed spread sheet. Jennifer says it is a lot of work, but the gifting process is followed to completion. Once a family is accepted, they are interviewed and their backgrounds are followed up on. If the family is on multiple give away lists they are not considered. In fact, in the future, it is Jennifer’s desire to collect and compile all the master lists from all the toy giveaways to assure every child in need will receive a gift at Christmas. She is hoping for no duplications and spreading Christmas Cheer over South Mississippi.
The gift list includes needs and wants. The spirit of Christmas is remembering and honoring what will fill the child with joy. Jennifer realizes that children have high aspirations of what will be under the tree. Realistic lists are honored and fulfilled.
The special completion of the Mississippi Santa gift-giving process is that the week before Christmas, one of Santa’s Elf helpers delivers the gifts to the homes of the children with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. It is made clear that the gifts are from Santa and are not to be opened before Christmas morning.
Christmas morning, as the children open the gift from Santa’s list, the parent takes a picture. That picture is sent to the head Elf Jennifer. Jennifer refers to her spread sheet for this child and the gift given. The picture of the child opening the gift given is sent as a thank you to the giver. Giving the thrill of a wish fulfilled and seeing the joy that the giver gave to that child is priceless. There is nothing better than seeing the joy on the face of a child on Christmas morning opening a wished-for gift.
Despite being a year to remember in not the most positive way due to Covid, Mississippi Santa was able to gift to 17 children. This was with the help from family and friends who became the volunteers. Mississippi Santa is planning more fundraising and with help from Santa’s Elves has hopes to expand gift delivery to many more children and families.
Mississippi Santa is hosting a Christmas Open House and Toy Drive on December 18, 2021, from 4-7 p.m. at 9108 River Birch Drive in Biloxi. There will be musical entertainment, light refreshments and photos with Santa. The public is invited to bring donations of new, unwrapped toys or stuffed animals.
If you would like to nominate a family in need, donate toys or volunteer for Mississippi Santa, please send an email with detailed information to info@mississippisanta.com. Call 601-213-8729, or visit www.jenuwinedesign.net.
On the cover: Jennifer Miller is president and founder of the new nonprofit Mississippi Santa, which provides gifts to children and families in need across the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Years of living along the Gulf Coast with a penchant for capturing photographs of smiling faces and beautiful places has brought Susan Weller to Seaside Social News. “This tenure will enhance my opportunities to capture and promote the exciting venues and activities generated by our lovely Gulf Coast and the people who live and celebrate life’s joys.”